2024-2025 Membership Assistance Program
The intent of the Membership Assistance Program is to support high school members who cannot afford to pay dues but who would otherwise participate in their local DECA chapter.
Assistance will be awarded in three tiers based on the application, and F/R lunch%. Chapters who have less than 35% F/R lunch can still apply for individual member support. This program is for student members and does not include advisors, alumni, or professional members. If criteria is met from the implementation plan below, Washington DECA will issue funds based on the following:

School is 35%-49% Free/Reduced Lunch
WA DECA will provide funding for 25% of submitted members
School is 50%-74% Free/Reduced Lunch
WA DECA will provide funding for 50% of submitted members
School is 75%-100% Free/Reduced Lunch
WA DECA will provide funding for 75% of submitted members
This application is intended for the chapter advisor’s use only.
Please email all questions to lori@wadeca.org.